Sunday, June 10, 2012

Needing the Armor

 Ahhhh . . . I'm such a flunkie.  I had promised a study on the armor of God, and I let life get away from me!  As I sit contemplating tomorrow, and the new few weeks, it is easy to feel overwhelmed.

Tomorrow my son has eye surgery.  While it's a fairly routine procedure, that he's already had twice, he'll be completely asleep, and there's always a risk with surgery.  Just ask my sister-in-law, Melanie, about routine procedures!  Sometimes things go wrong.

And after this week's recovery, there's writing camp and VBS and church camp and vacation.  All good and wonderful things, but for me, easily overwhelming. 

This morning, in my Sunday School class, we talked about God preparing the people to enter the Promised Land, in Numbers 27 and 28.  Matthew Henry's commentary says - in Jenn's translation! - that this would be the perfect time for God to prepare a war plan for the Hebrews.  Instead He reminds them of their ways of worship - their daily, weekly, and monthly sacrifices.  Their feasts and festivals.  He reminds them to worship, to worship wisely, and to worship purposefully.

And in a very weird way - only God can make these connections! - it made me think of the armor of God.  Worship is the one of the best weapons in our arsenal to win this war we are in.  And make no mistake - we are at war!  We have a definite enemy who wants to take us down.

But the wonderful part of this story, is that we have every weapon at our disposal to win this war.  If you've ever been in one of my classes, you've probably heard me say that we are called to be warriors, not wimps!  And my friends, I hope you know the truth in that statement!

We are not called to sit around and wait for Satan's next attack - we are called to attack him!  We are sons and daughters of the Almighty, the King of the Universe, the Creator!  We have so much power, by Him and through Him, and He wants us to use it!

So putting on the armor of God - suiting up, so to speak, preparing for battle - that requires a oneness with Christ.  It implies a unique desire, to commune with Him, know Him intimately. 

That intimate relationship is worship, don't you think?  We cannot be ready for battle if we cannot worship the God who equips us.  So when Paul begins his instruction on battle gear in Ephesians 6, he starts by reminding us of whose we are!  What a worshipful statement:

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  (vv 10 - 12)
Who is strong?  The Lord.  Whose power?  God's.  Whose armor?  His.

That's a worship statement if I've ever heard it!  (As Melanie would say, Haleluyer!)

Friends, we are called to be warriors.  We are called to put on the armor of God and fight!  And that battle begins with worship of the God who has already defeated the enemy!

This week I'll be sharing more thoughts on the armor of God.  I would love to hear your thoughts.  Some folks have let me know that they haven't been able to leave comments; I think I have that issue fixed now!

Remember, warriors begin with worship.  I hope you've had a spectacular worship experience today, and that it continues every day!  

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