Monday, March 8, 2010

Hey Jude

"Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James, To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ:  Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance."  Jude, verses 1 & 2

I love this little book.  It is short, simple, and to the point.  Let's begin at the beginning.  First, after Jude identifies himself (by the way, it is quite possible that Jude, although he identifies himself as a "servant of Jesus" and a "brother of James," was actually Jesus' brother, also.  See for references), he identifies his audience:  those who are loved by God and kept by Jesus.  What faith this brother had!  He knew that his big brother was keeping those who loved Him eternally safe! 
(By the way, two points for anyone who can tell me the other book of the Bible written by a brother of Jesus.)

But the part I really want to get to today is the simple sentence, "Mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance."  Not just be yours - but be yours in abundance!  Isn't that the key to life with God?   He continuously promises abundant life:  "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."  (John 10:10)

What does abundance mean?  Think of it as an overflowing fullness; an overwhelming amount; or a over-sufficient supply.  And then think of an overflowing fullness of mercy; an overwhelming amount of peace; a over-sufficient supply of love.  Remember the verse in Romans we used a couple of weeks ago, "we can't round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!"  (5:5)

When we live with abundance, we can't find enough ways to hold onto it.  We live in constant states of "over" - overflowing, overwhelmed, over-sufficient.  But, if God wants to give us abundant life, why don't more of us live that way?  What holds us back?

I'll tell you what I think it is.  I think we don't have our containers ready.  It's as if we expect God to be whacking us in the head, not overflowing us with love and mercy.  When problems come our way, we look for a way out.  We pray that God will take away whatever is bothering us.  We don't bother to ask Him to teach us to be ready, to teach us to hold on, to teach us get through.  We just want out!  How can He give us mercy, peace, and love in abundance when we are always looking for a way out?

Let me tell you this:  mercy, peace, and love are most evident when times are difficult, not easy.  When we are broken, His strength shines through.  And so often His strength is evidenced by . . . let's see . . . oh yes, mercy, peace, and love!   

The Message version writes verse 2 like this:  "Relax, everything's going to be all right; rest, everything's coming together; open your hearts, love is on the way!"  So quit whining, worrying, and wavering.  Relax . . . rest . . . be open . . . God will do something amazing for you!

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