Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Got God?

Here am I, and the children the LORD has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the LORD Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion.  Isaiah 8:18

Wow . . . chapter eight has so much meat in it!!  I've been reading and re-reading it several times today.  But I finally settled on verse 18 to share with you.

What courage it must have taken Isaiah during this time to say, not only am I a believer, but I am a symbol of God!  I like that he doesn't say, I want to be a symbol, or I'm trying to be a symbol.  He says, I AM a symbol.

Are you a symbol of the Lord Almighty? 

Some symbols are easily recognized.  We all recognize a circle with a slash through it.  That's the symbol for don't.  A red octagon is the symbol for stop.  We know the Coke logo and the Windows computer logo.  We identify certain sounds with their companies ("you've got mail!").  There are lines inked into our memories - Got Milk?  Where's the Beef?  There's even a symbol associated with Christianity - the fish.

But what about you?  Are you a symbol of God?

Let me rephrase - if you have spoken about your belief in God, you ARE a symbol of Him.  But are you the kind of sign He wants to be associated with?

How's your language?  How are you spending your time?  What do you spend your money on?

This is how you are a symbol of God.  It's what you do linked with what you say.

So think about it.  Your life is a symbol of something.  Is it a symbol of God?

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