Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Preparing for Easter

I'm very excited to do a "people" series this Easter, as I did at Easter.  Today we begin with a simply overview. 

We will begin days before the trial and crucifixion of Jesus.  Let's think about what was happening in Jerusalem at that time.

Jews were preparing for the Passover.  Passover was - and is - a God-ordained feast to celebrate the day during the plagues of Egypt, when God passed over the homes that had the blood of the lamb on their doors, but entered the homes that did not, and took the first born of each family.  The Hebrews exalted God for his mercy; they Egyptians mourned their losses and feared God.

For thousands of years, the Hebrews had been celebrating this festival.  And now the most important Passover in history was about to take place.  Just think - the Jews had no idea how important this day was going to be for the rest of mankind, for the rest of eternity.  And yet this particular feast changed everything.

Tomorrow we'll talk about Mary, and how she helps to begin the passover by anointing Jesus.  I hope you'll enjoy this time with me over the next few weeks.  I know I'm looking forward to it.

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