Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Problem With Church, Part 2

In my last post I discussed imperfections of the modern church.  There are many. There always have been, because the church is simply made up of people - fallen, broken, sinful people.

Today I'd like to talk about the other side of church. I've had many people say to me, "I won't/My husband/mother/son won't come to church because people there are liars/hypocrites/judgmental."

My response is, yes... And which one of those are you?

I'm intrigued by a world that both demands and represses the influence of the church on society. I hear things like, if the church would just do more/do less in the world, there would be no hunger or war or abuse.  If the church would just do good, bad things wouldn't happen.

I get that. And I don't disagree with it.  But here's the thing. To my knowledge, I don't know any ax murderers or pedophiles or sadists.  Most of the people who would have these discussions with me obey the law, pay their taxes, love their kids.  They are good people.

So my question to them is, why aren't you doing good things? If the church isn't ending hunger, war and abuse, what's stopping you?

Just because the church - remember, a group of fallen, faulty people - isn't doing what you think it should, doesn't give you an excuse to not do good yourself!

Yesterday, I told the church to grow up.  Today, I say the same thing to the world. If you are of reasonable age and intellect, you have surely figured out that life doesn't exist for you.  Life will continue, even if you are angry.  Or bitter. Or hypocritical. Because you are, you know.  All the things you accuse the church of - I'll bet you are those things too.

Because we all are.  The Bible even says that -  we are all sinners.  And yet, it also says that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Whether you accept him or not. Whether you believe it or not.  Your belief doesn't change the facts.

I don't disagree that the church should be held to a higher standard. But not by you! Only God can judge the church. And he will one day, believe me.

There's a quote that I love by George Bernard Shaw.  (The entire thing is on the left side of this blog page.)  "This is the true joy in life — being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one… being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy."  Shaw isn't discussing Christianity or faith or church attendance. In fact, until he was about 30 years old he considered himself an atheist. Then he became a mystic.  (No clue. Don't even ask me, because I have no idea.) 

Shaw isn't writing about being a better Christian. He's talking about being a better person.

So for those of you who have sworn off church - are you a force of nature or a clod of ailments? Have you allowed your distaste for the church to turn you into a religious vigilante, someone who chooses not to believe but won't let others have the same choice?

The church isn't perfect. People aren't perfect. You aren't, I'm not. (This is where you are supposed to gasp in disbelief.)  And get this - we aren't supposed to be perfect.

That stupid saying about Christians not being perfect, just forgiven? It's stinking true! I gave up a long time ago.  I don't even try to be perfect. Not for a second. I just wallow in forgiveness.

Give church another chance. Try faith again. You've learned so many lessons on what not to do... Think of how your life, your past, your shortcomings could influence the church for good!

The church isn't a building. It is a collection of people - people who, on any given day, are hurting or grieving or angry or bitter.  People who are massively, wonderfully imperfect.

Just like you.

Give church another chance.  And if you need help along the way, give me a call.  We can be wonderfully imperfect together.

Now that's church.

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