Friday, September 27, 2013

As We Go

This week I wrote about friendship and I'd like to continue those thoughts today.

I wrote about how every Christian should be known as a good friend, because the attributes described in Proverbs 18 should already exist in Christians, even while being continually cultivated.

Somehow my mind moved from that thought to the Great Commission found in Matthew 28: go and make disciples.

I learned a few years ago that the actual translation from the original Greek word means "in your going about." I love that! It shows me that not only missionaries are called to make disciples. Not just those called to a foreign land, but all of us. Every day. In our daily going about... To the store, to our jobs, to our schools.

One of our jobs as Christians is to make disciples as we go about our day. And I had an aha! moment as I considered the depth of what that really meant.

Jesus said we are his friends when we honor his commands. He also said, as you go, make disciples. In other words, introduce people to me. Help them get to know me. Show them who we are to each other.

Isn't that the greatest act of friendship? To introduce strangers to our Friend?

Friendship is work. It's hard sometimes. Yet as we are given the privilege and honor of being called into friendship with Jesus Christ, so are we called to pull others into that same friendship.

What is my point? Here it is: as I write this, I am sitting in a Mexican restaurant in Indianapolis. I find myself looking up, making eye contact, smiling at complete strangers. That's my "going about." I have this wonderful, perfect Friend. There are all kinds of ways I can introduce him to others. One of those ways is simply being friendly- in other words, friend-like.  Yes, to complete strangers!

As you "go about" today, can you show your friendship with Christ? Are you moved to look beyond yourself and into the hearts of others?

As you go about... In whatever you do... Make disciples. Make friends. Be a friend. To whomever you see.

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