Thursday, September 12, 2013

That's What You Are

There's a song we sing at church, called You Are God Alone:
Unchangeable, Unshakeable, Unstoppable
That's what you are.

You are God alone, from before time began,
You were on your throne,
You are God alone,
And right now,
In the good times and bad,
You were on your throne ,
You are God alone.

Those aren't just lyrics, those are biblical standards.  "Lord, the God of Israel, enthroned between the cherubim, you alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth."  2 Kings 19:15

So let's think about this.  If we really lived as if God was God, ruler of the earth, over all kingdoms, from before time began . . . what we do different?  Would our lives changed?  Are our lives changed? 

Maybe you are already like this.  Nothing holds you back, because you've got God - this great big God who exists outside of the confines of time and space, who created all things, who rules over all.  You've got him on your side, and you go for everything, every time.

I wish I were you.

Because I hold myself back.  I lack faith.  I don't trust.  I go forward, on my own strength instead of His. 

So I need to remember.  It's not my strength, it's his.  He's the one who is unstoppable.  Unchangeable.  Unshakeable.  Definitely not me!

So it's time for me to go deeper, trust more, love more, do more.  That's my prayer for myself, and for you, too.

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