Thursday, October 29, 2009

What is Adultery?

"You shall not commit adultery."  Exodus 20:14

What is adultery?  Random House Dictionary defines it as "voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse."  Yet Jesus defined it even more concretely:  "You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.'But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."  Matthew 5:26-28.  Don't think that this is just a man looking at woman thing - women can do it too!  Adultery is an equal opportunity sin.

As we have stated over and over again, the purpose of this commandment is love.  The consequence of this commandment is love.  The problem with this commandment begins when our love is misplaced.  Did you know that there are many kinds of affairs in a marriage?  Basically, anything that takes the place of your spouse - anything that occupies that space in your heart that God designed for the man or woman you committed to - is an affair.  The Amplified Bible says in Ephesians 5:3:  "But immorality (sexual vice) and all impurity (of lustful, rich, wasteful living) or greediness must not even be named among you, as is fitting and proper among saints (God's consecrated people)." 

There are many things that can cause lustful, rich, wasteful living or greediness.  For example??  How about career?  Sports?  Friendships?  There are so many things that, if we are not guarding our hearts and our relationships with ferocity, can become major problems.  When was the last time your spouse knew - really knew - that they were worth guarding?  When was the last time you vowed that nothing and no one would come between you?  More specifically, when was the last time you made a choice to put your spouse first, not last in a long line?

With kids, work, church, activities, it's so easy to begin to take our spouses for granted.  That's all the room Satan needs to make a move on our families and destroy them.  John 10:10 says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."  Absolutely no good comes from Satan; things that feel good at the moment wreak a lifetime of destruction if we are not listening to God and following His ways!  (say amen, somebody!)

Get rid of ANYTHING in your life that compromises your relationship.  According to Adam Clarke, author of  The Holy Bible with a Commentary, "Not only is adultery forbidden here(in Exodus 20:14), but also fornication and all kinds of mental and sensual uncleanness. All impure books, songs, pictures, etc., which tend to inflame and debauch the mind are against this law."  Don't walk the dangerous line close to sin to see how close you can get.  Make a stand for purity - in your life, in your marriage, in your relationship with God!

Maybe you are stuck in an unloving marriage relationship right now.  Remember the first commandment, when I said that often we make the mistake of feeling like we are doing the right thing by putting God first on our priority list?  The truth is, He doesn't want to be on the list, He wants to be the list!  When you don't feel like loving your spouse, remember the list:  Serve Jesus by honoring your spouse.  It's not about your spouse - it's about God!  Pray - fall on your face before God, beg Him, weep before Him, BEG Him to renew the love you once felt!  If you've never felt love?  Beg God to give it to you now!  Tell Him that you want to honor Him with your marriage relationship.  Ask Him for forgiveness, and affirm to Him your desire to do this right!

Do you think that there's nothing left, nothing to fight for, nothing in this relationship anymore?  Do you feel like your marriage is meaningless?  It's not - IT MEANS EVERYTHING!  It's NOT nothing, and your marriage is the most important earthly relationship in your life.  God protects you and your family by instructing you to honor your marriage.  It's not a suggestion, it's a command - for you, and for the future generations of your family.

Come one, somebody say Amen!!

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