Thursday, October 22, 2009

What's on Third?

7 "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name."  Exodus 20:7

Have you ever compared the different biblical versions of this verse?  Most of us know it by the King James, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."  In fact, I could spend a whole day's blog on the "thou shalt nots . . . " and how we have messed that up . . . but maybe when we're done with all the commandments.  The Message version says this:  "No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter; God won't put up with the irreverent use of his name."  And finally, for just one more comparison, the New American Standard Bible puts it this way:  "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain."

Let's start with how most of us remember this verse:  not taking God's name in vain.  What does "in vain" mean?  According to Random House Dictionary, "vain" means "without effect or avail; to no purpose;
in an improper or irreverent manner."

Wow.  I have always accepted the "irreverence" part.  But think about using God's name without effect or avail.  To use God's name, the reference to His character, in a way that has no purpose, that does not glorify or edify Him is to nullify His name when we want to use it in the proper context.  We don't realize just how powerful His name is.  Did you know that there are 170 names of God?  (And those are just the ones I could find!)  Did you realize that some of the words we use to describe Him are actually naming Him?  For example, we know that God is "Adonai", meaning, Lord, but did you also know that He is "Faithful and True?"  Revelation 19:11 says, "I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war."  Go into any search engine on the internet and type in "names of God" and see what you come up with.  Compare the words, the terminology, and see them as names for perhaps the first time.

I think in the past I have made the mistake of thinking of God's names as descriptions, and not names.  Names by themselves are powerful - but God's name . . . it speaks life, it brings comfort, it arouses fear, it creates peace . . . His name does it all.  Have you ever been so upset, so deep in the muck and the mire that you didn't know how to pray?  All you could say . . . was His name.  "Oh God, oh God."  Or, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus." 

Think about the purpose of a name.  Is it for no other reason than to identify, to distinguish, to keep things distinct from each other?  THAT'S why keeping God's name is so important.  His name identifies Him!  Whether you have been using it in vain, or misusing it, or using it in a silly fashion (anyone want to own up to using OMG?), God is saying it's wrong.  His name is His name - I AM that I AM. 

Let's work on this together today.  I am going to print a list of the names of God, and really study it today.  I want to do nothing but bring honor to ALL His names, and I never want to misuse it in any way. 

Hey, feel free to leave me a comment!  If I'm not explaining things well enough, or if you need more information, just let me know, and I'll get back with you as soon as I can.  And  remember - Keep Blazing!  Don't ever let anyone put out your light.

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