Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What's on Second?

4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments."  Exodus 4 - 6

We're moving on to the second commandment.  This commandment, to some, might seem oddly like the first commandment. Yesterday we talked about not having any other god but God.  Now, God says that we are not to make idols out of anything, and we are not to worship them.

It strikes me that God is pretty specific in this instruction, don't you think?  We are not to make idols from forms found in heaven (like say . . . angels?), on earth (like religious statues, even maybe a crucifix?), or in the waters below (like, I don't know . . . kelp?  Just kidding.).  Not only are we not to make them in the first place, but God goes a step further . . . don't worship them.  Some things are already made, we don't have to make them . . . like angels.  But just because angels are around and they are heavenly creatures doesn't mean they deserve the worship that is designed for God and God alone. 

And He goes further - this commandment comes with a pretty specific consequence - punishment that will be handed down for generations.  But don't get mad, because once again, there's a promise - those who love God and keep His commandments are showered with His love and blessing for a thousand generations!

So why is God so keen on keeping Himself as first place for us?  Why is it so important?  Let me quote from a book called, "The Liberating Law": 

"Imagine, if when someone wanted to talk to you, they made themselves a hollow, lifeless plaster doll, that they said represented you, brought it into your presence and instead of talking to you directly, they talked to the lifeless plaster doll, as if it were you, all the while ignoring the real you who was right there with them. Would you think someone who did that was very foolish? Would you be offended by someone who "sees you" as a plaster dummy?" 

So take a look around you.  Look at your home, at your life, at the way you choose to worship.  Is there anything that is dangerously close - or worse, already there and you haven't addressed it - that is an idol?  One good way to know - where do you spend your time?  In front of the television?  Playing sports?  On the computer?  Scrapbooking (yikes, don't go there, I say to myself!)  None of those things are wrong . . . but are they in the wrong place?  Here are some other things that can easily take the place of God in our lives.   Church.  ouch!  A career.  yikes!  Your kids.  that really hurts!   

Consider Matthew 6:21:  "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." The Message refers to it like this:  "The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being."  Christ gives us the perfect way to evaluate how closely we are obeying the second commandment.  Where do you most want to be?  Do you want to be with God?  Remember the priority list from yesterday?  God's not calling you to ignore your kids, your job, your hobbies and interests.  He's just saying, use me to do those things.  Serve me by serving them.  Consider 1 Corinthians 10:31:  "Therefore, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

So here's my confession:  I LOVE to teach.  But I can easily drift off into teaching for any praise and feedback that I receive, and neglect to give GOD the praise.  I have to be careful that I don't let that happen . . . well, continually.  So when I teach, I have to remember that I'm not teaching for my class's benefit.  I'm teaching to honor and glorify the One who created me.  

It's a beautiful day today in Indiana.  It's going to be 70 degrees!  No matter where you are, enjoy your day.  And use it to search your heart.  Look around . . . what is drifting into the wrong place in your life?  Take note - as Christians, that's usually how it happens . . . drifting.  We often don't think that we are actively making a choice to put something before God.  However, whether it drifts, suddenly appears, or explodes - it's always our choice.  A thousand little choices drift into an explosion, and suddenly we are far from God.

But He's never far from us.  He's always calling, always loving, always pursuing you.  

What a long post today!  I love God - truly love Him!!!  Sometimes when I get talking about Him I just can't stop!  Have a great day - keep blazing!

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