Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Know Nothing . . .

1 Corinthians 2:2:  "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."

What do you really know for sure?  Have you ever thought about that?  In today's world of moral relativity, where even science continually changes and facts are disputed, what do you know for sure?

Can you make a list of ten things?  Can you list five?  I'm thinking of some short-term things, like, today I know for sure that it is cloudy and cold.  But that won't last tomorrow it might be cold and sunny.  Or sunny and warm!  (A girl can dream, right?)  I know my husband loves me and I love him.  Yet I also know that my ability to show that love will sometimes fail.  Lots of us have known for sure that our marriages would last forever, that friendships will never change, that our families will stay the same . . . only to find all those truths flawed.

There is only ONE thing you can know for sure:  Jesus Christ and him crucified!  Paul is talking here about what happened when he first came to the Corinthians, how he came not with eloquence and showiness but one simple truth.  I like the Message version of this verse, "first Jesus and who he is; then Jesus and what he did—Jesus crucified."

You can only share Jesus when you know him - really know him.  If you feel like you are beating your head up against a wall spiritually, like you are getting nowhere and continually living in frustration, it's time to take a good hard look.  Do you truly know him?  Do you know the power of knowing him?  If you know him and you know his crucifixion and resurrection, you will live like it!  Right??  When it's 90 degrees outside, I don't live like it's below freezing, wearing a coat and scarf and mittens.  I live the truth!  It's warm and sunny, so I'm wearing my shorts and tank and flip flops!  Why would I want to live in an unreal world?

And yet, when we live spiritually defeated, we are living in an unreal world.  JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN!  That's it!!!  The devil is defeated.  That's it!!!  Why live any other way?  The only key to spiritual success is to live the truth - accept reality.  Stop running away from problems and troubles because you are afraid.  You get to know better - you know the truth, because you know Jesus Christ and him crucified.    

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