Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sticks and Stones

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.  What do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a whip, or in love and with a gentle spirit?"  1 Corinthians 4:20-21

Last night in my small group we talked about standards and rules versus relationships.  We listed conventional thinking verses biblical thinking.  Conventional thinking instills rules and regulations based on the fact that "we've always done it that way."  Biblical thinking is radical, life-changing, love-driven. 

Too often we fall into the role of Spiritual Comptroller.  We become, as my pastor used to say, the Junior Holy Spirit.  We want to let people know - I believe for a genuine loving reason - that they are doing wrong, that they are headed down the wrong path.

Is that wrong?  No way!  But it's all in your manner, you know?  Think of yourself, of how you would like to be dealt with.  In love?  Or with a whip?  It's those verbal whips that break people's hearts.  "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."  We've all heard that.  And we all know what baloney that is! 

We never want to see anyone go down the wrong path.  But instead of standing behind them, yelling at them, why not be strong enough to walk up, take them by the hand, and lovingly remind them:  "Not that way, this way.  Come on, I'll show you."  THAT is Christ's love. 

It's easier to stand on the sidelines and scream and yell than it is to get in the game and play.  You take a lot of hits when you are in the game.  But the only way to win, is to play.  So don't stand on the sidelines of someone's life.  Get involved.  Love them.  Earn their respect, so that when it's time to say the tough stuff, you have the right to walk beside them, take their hand, and show them the way, with love and a gentle spirit.

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