Monday, July 19, 2010

Good Morning!

Good morning!  Hope everyone had a good weekend!  I celebrated my anniversary this weekend - 17 years.  Wow.  It doesn't seem that long . . .

There's a book called, "Experiencing God," that our church went through several years back.  I love this book, and the topic is very relevant considering the discussions between the hubster and myself this weekend.

One of the tenets of the book begins with something called, "a crisis of faith."  Now, this crisis can be your first encounter with God, when you see your need for salvation, or it can be one of the hundreds of situations we encounter through life that force us to make choices, to stake a claim in what we believe.

We're having a crisis like that, and it involves being purposeful.  Why am I doing what I'm doing?  Because someone asked me to?  Or because I'm strongly invested?  Why am I at the church I'm at?  The denomination?  What's the purpose?  And is God's purpose being affected by where I am and what I'm doing?

Those of you who go to church with me, don't think I'm leaving!  I'm not!  I'm just saying - I need to be at my church on purpose, by choice.  Not just because I've been there forever, or it's the easiest thing, or any other similar excuse.

The same is true in relationships, careers, even hobbies - it has to have a purpose.  (I'm not trying to channel Rick Warren here, just so that you know!  lol)

Another tenet of this book is, "go where God is working, and join Him."  So often we decide what we need to do, ask God to bless it, and move forward.  But we run around in circles, effecting very little.  And I'm not just talking in ministry.  I'm talking in life, in our families, our jobs, our relationships.

We say, I'm going to Mexico for vacation!  Made all the plans, all the arrangements, paid all the money.  Now, God, keep us safe from harm and help us have a good time . . . well, that's how I've lived my life, anyway, and I'm really realizing that I have it backwards.

Being purposeful is starting with God.  It's being mindful, praying without ceasing (I think I read that somewhere), waiting on Him.  It's approaching a Mexican vacation like this:  "God, I have this vacation time.  I'm thinking about Mexico.  But what do YOU think?  I want to go where you want me to go, and I'm not making any arrangements until I'm satisfied of your involvement and blessing." 

Asking God to bless plans we've already made is like trying to add eggs to an omelet that's already been served.  It might end up tasting ok - it's got yummy veggies, cheese, meat.  But the most important ingredient is missing!   (I came up with that all by myself!) 

So right now, I'm having a crisis of faith.  But it's a good crisis!  Because I want to live my life on purpose - God's purpose!  Hope you do, too.

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