Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jesus' Disciples Believe

Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed.  (They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.) John 20:8-9

The "other disciple" here is John, the author of this gospel.  If you remember, he had run with Peter to the tomb, but outrunning Peter, he held back.  He waited and allowed Peter to go into the tomb first.

So now he enters, and he believes.  But what does he believe?  Because the next sentence says that they didn't understand Jesus was resurrected.

Or does it?  Actually, it says they didn't understand that scripture said Jesus HAD to rise from the dead.  In other words, the disciples didn't understand prophecy.  It seems to be a credit to John's testimony of truth that he admits not understanding the prophecies about the Messiah. 

At this moment, all they understood, what they believed, was that Jesus was no longer in the tomb.  They weren't sure where he was, but he wasn't there! 

But this passage begs the question:  why did Jesus have to die?  I'm not trying to question God here, to question His means, His methods, but I have always wondered . . . why death?  Was there not some other way that our sins could be paid for?

I think it comes down to a few simple sentences. 
  • God is holy.  
  • We chose sin over holiness.  
  • Sin and holiness are incompatible.  
  • Therefore, sin separates us from God.  
  • The only justifiable penalty for sin is death.  All sin - big ones, little ones, fat ones, skinny ones.  
  • God's holiness is so vast, so complete, that sin is sin, and all sin is reprehensible to him.  

With me so far?  For us to be holy - like God - we cannot be sinful.  The penalty for sin is death.  But if we are dead, we cannot be with God.

The only other option for God to live with His created, is for one person to pay the penalty for all. 

That person could only be one without sin.  Otherwise, he would be paying for his own sin, and not the sin of others.

So God's son, who was eternal and infinite, confined himself to an earthly walk, so that he could take the punishment for us. 

But why did he have to rise from the dead?  That's what the scripture here says.  I found this acrostic on the internet (I love me a good acrostic!)

R-Reveals God’s Purpose
I-It fulfills Scripture
S-Satisfies Proof
E-Experience the Power of God
N-New Life

Jesus rose from the dead because it was God's purpose, it was His will and plan to show that He alone how power over death.  It fulfilled the prophecies, it proves the existence of God, it allows us to experience His power, and it promises new life. 

This gets me excited!  What a powerful God!

Tomorrow, we get more evidence.  I almost wish I didn't know how this story ends, because it keeps getting more and more exciting and suspenseful. 

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