Wednesday, January 5, 2011

God is Adonai

Today's name for God is Adonai.  Adonai means Lord or Master.  They seem like such simplistic words - lord, master.  There are two Hebrew words which translate into "lord."  One is Adonai.  The other is Jehovah.  Now, Jehovah was THE name of God - the unspeakable name that Jews found so holy they couldn't utter it.  When they did say the word, they pronounced it, Adonai, so as not to desecrate the holy name of Jehovah. 

Think about this:  when the original Hebrew was translated to English, Jehovah was rendered as LORD, printed in small capitals.  It is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews.  But, here is where things get really interesting.  The word "adon" means "one possessed of absolute control."  It denotes a master or ruler.  The plural form of this Hebrew word is "adonai."  

In other words, God - Jehovah, LORD - is Adon.  But because God is the three-in-one, He becomes the plural form of the word, "Adonai."  He is the Master, the one who controls the universe, the Absolute - and He is three-in-one.  He is amazing, don't you think?

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