Tuesday, January 11, 2011

God is Jehovah-Nissi

Jehovah-Nissi.  The Lord is our Banner.  In Exodus 17, where we read yesterday, we also find one of my favorite stories.  The Hebrews are fighting against the Amalekites, and as Joshua leads the army into battle, Moses - along with Aaron and Hur - watched on a hilltop.  As long as Moses lifted his hands and prayed, the Israelites were winning.  If he lowered his hands, they began losing.  So Aaron and Hur stayed with Moses, keeping his arms lifted when he tired through the battle.  (What a story of friendship, right?!?)

Often, after winning a battle, the winning army would raise the flag - or banner - of their country, tribe or kinsman.  Remember the statue of Iwo Jima?  That's exactly what that was - American soldiers lifting the American flag after winning a hard fought 35-day battle in WWII.

After Joshua won this battle, God told Moses to write down all that had happened.  And Moses then built an altar.  He didn't raise Israel's flag, or banner, because this victory was God's, not Israel's.  At this altar, Moses called God Jehovah-Nissi for the first time.  He understood that God was - and still is - the one who wins our battles for us.

Are you fighting a losing battle?  Are you tired from the war, whether it's a war within or without?  Are you sick of the struggle?

Good!!!!  That's just where God wants you to be, because this is the moment that Jehovah-Nissi - our banner, our victory - takes over the fight.


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