Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How Special You Are

OK, I'm not ashamed to admit this.  I love Keanu Reeves.  I love the movie Speed.  Saw it several times in the theater.  Own it.  Pull it out sometimes for the eye candy.  I admit it!  (I love you, honey.)

I also love other movies with Keanu in it (we're on a first name basis!).  For example, there's a movie called, A Walk in the Clouds.  It's about a man home from the war (WWII . . . I think) who is trying to start a business and he ends up befriending a young pregnant-out-of-wedlock woman.  He agrees to pretend like he is her husband so that her traditional, proud family (especially her traditional, proud father) won't be upset.

Of course, by the end of the movie, they have fallen for each other - but there are complications!  :0)  Anyway, this is all to say that there's a line in the movie where Keanu Reeves is arguing with the father about his fake wife, and he says, "Can't you see how good, how special she is?"

OK, it loses something in the blog translation.  But it's a very intense moment!  I think of God having that kind of intensity about us.  And so much more!

He wants you to see it, too.  Can you open up your imagination for a moment, and hear God pleading with you . . . "Don't you see how special you are to me?  I made you!  I love you!  You are worth so much more than ______!"  Fill in the blank.  It could be food, sex, money, sin. 

Yesterday I had you look at Psalm 139.  Today look-really look-at verse 14:  "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

How do I know that I am wonderfully made?  How can I know for sure?  Well, the logic goes like this:  God is the creator of all things.  Can you look at anything that he has created, and not see something special in it?  Can you find anything that isn't wonderful?  Now, man has messed up a lot of God's creations.  Just like we've messed ourselves up.  But in the pure, undiluted, unadulterated forms . . . God's creation is perfect.

Do you know that this great big God, this creator, this power, this force, this . . . everything . . . is not too big to beg for you?  Isn't that what He did when He sacrificed His son for you?  Isn't His word filled with his pleadings?  Go back and read some of your favorite passages, and again, use your imagination.  Hear His pleading.  Jeremiah 29:11-12:  "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you."

Do you hear it?  Do you hear the pleading?  The plea says, "I have plans for you!!  I will give you hope!!  Please come and talk to me.  I promise I will listen!  I am here!"

Hear His pleas today.  You are beloved!  You are special!  You are His!

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